Please find a list of our global and regional case studies below. To access the country-specific case studies please click on the round beige (scientific case studies ...
Limestone is used in a wide variety of products - it is one of the most widely used rocks.
nigeria. country profile. implementation of agenda 21: review of progress made since the united nations conference on environment and development, 1992
Oil sands, also known as tar sands, or more technically bituminous sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. Oil sands are either loose sands or ...
Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, the Republican official in charge of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, has now penned an editorial urging the public not to ...
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Emerald is the green variety of the mineral beryl. It has been the world's most popular green gemstone for over 5000 years.
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I shed tears when at the end of reading this patic text. Surely BUHARI mean well to Nigeria and need our collective understanding and support to make this country ...
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Billions of dollars are spent on various contracts in Nigeria every year. See how to get some of the contracts from Government and big companies in Nigeria.
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2017. Polymer Injection Project in an Unconsolidated Sandstone in Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Federico Hochenfellner, #20397 (2017). PS Experimental Workflow Applied ...
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This is our meeting notes and presentations that have been given at our annual Crude Oil Quality Association events.
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Mineral resources information, along with the geologic, geochemical, and geophysical information needed to understand and assess mineral resource potential.
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News and information from UC Cooperative Extension about alfalfa and forage production.
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